Claim Monetary Rewards for Holding Criminals Accountable
Have you found the courage to report fraud or misconduct involving the company that employs you? Do you require a highly skilled lawyer to protect your career? As a whistleblower, you are performing a vital public service in Charleston and the surrounding region by holding criminals accountable for their crimes. Attorney David Karr has extensive experience assisting whistleblowers by ensuring that future career opportunities are protected and that you are able to take advantage of the benefits offered to whistleblowers (including monetary rewards).
Our office is now accepting new cases including:
Who or What is a Whistleblower?
A whistleblower is an individual who witnesses illegal activity, fraud, and other unethical/incorrect behavior, and exposes the information to appropriate governmental agencies. Whistleblowers may be career professionals who witness their employer violating laws that were put into place to protect employees, the environment, or the public. Whistleblowers are aware of the risk of exposing the situation, yet are willing to take the chance, hire a lawyer, and provide the information about the illegal activity to the government. This takes great personal courage.
Whistleblower Advocates in Charleston, WV
Attorney David Karr and staff support the efforts of whistleblowers and work as advocates on your behalf. We devote our knowledge, resources, time and energy to helping ensure that doing the right thing is a viable possibility for those who witness and report wrongdoing, fraud, and workplace issues, such as job site injuries, safety issues, and employers committing fraud against our government in and around Charleston, West Virginia.
With over three decades of legal experience helping people just like you, concerned citizens know they can trust us to assist them. We provide the information needed to make an informed decision, and are available to help you gather the information and present your case to the government. Doing the right thing can sometimes be very difficult. However, it doesn’t have to be. We are here. Let us help.
For assistance with your whistleblower lawsuit, call West Virginia’s premier whistleblower protection and recovery advocate, Attorney David Karr, Jr. at (304) 345-3202.
The False Claims Act Benefits Society & You

Whistleblower Protection in Charleston, WV
The False Claims Act (a.k.a. The Lincoln Law) was established by the United States government in 1863 as a means to permit private citizens (relators) to file suit to fight fraud. Then, as now, fraud was rampant. Companies sold unsafe food, sick animals, defective munitions, etc., and there was no recourse available for individuals harmed by these practices. The False Claims Act has become the basis for state and federal whistleblower provisions and protections that help make our society better by enabling citizens who witness fraud, misconduct, and other harmful practices to expose the violations and reap financial benefits ranging from 15-30% of the government’s recovery. If you think you may have a case in Charleston, WV, or the surrounding area, contact Attorney Karr right away.
The Financial Benefits of Reporting Fraud to the Government
Whistleblower Lawsuits (Qui Tam Lawsuits) benefit the government, the reporting citizen, and our society. The False Claims Act in the U.S. was based on the English tradition, qui tam. This Latin phrase, qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur, means, essentially, “he who sues on the King’s behalf as well as his own.” Our government provides us with laws designed to best safeguard property and our rights, sovereignty against invasion, safety nets, and many other valuable social benefits. In return, we serve our civic duties (paying taxes, voting, serving on a jury, etc.). These civic duties are expected of us and are not compensable. However, in the case of our civic duty to report fraud committed against our government, the potential exists to reap substantial financial benefits that can reach millions of dollars in compensation.
Can I File a Whistleblower Lawsuit Under the False Claims Act?
If you have witnessed certain types of fraudulent activities, you may be able to file a whistleblower lawsuit. Any time government funds are involved, the False Claims Act may be invoked. Some of the most common types of reportable misconduct include:
Overcharging the Government for Products/Services
Charging for Products/Services Not Provided, Requested, Necessary
Providing Substandard, Defective, Mislabeled, or Different Products/Services than Agreed Upon
Falsifying Reports
Securing Contracts by Means of Bribes, Kickbacks, Misrepresentation
Medical Coding Violations (Upcoding, Using Multiple Codes for One Service, Billing for Unacceptable Drugs)
Medicare/Medicaid Billing Fraud
Schedule an appointment with West Virginia’s dedicated whistleblower advocate, Attorney David Karr, Jr., by calling (304) 345-3202. Confidential assistance is just a phone call away.
How to Report Healthcare & Government Fraud in Charleston, WV
Are you an employee or former employee of a business that has committed fraud against the government or the healthcare system? Do you have inside information regarding how the fraudulent scheme was committed? If so, you may have a case and be eligible to file a whistleblower lawsuit and share in damages that may be awarded for the case. Attorney David R. Karr, Jr., has been assisting concerned citizens with understanding the law, advocating for justice, and pursuing claims against entities involved in government and healthcare-related fraud for over 30 years. Put his experience to work for you and help put an end to financial abuses that affect us all.

Prosecution of Medicare, Medicaid & Government Fraud
The Karr Law Office is now accepting government and healthcare-related fraud cases for evaluation and prosecution, including:
False Medical Claims
Healthcare Providers Performing Unnecessary Procedures
Upcoding Services to a Higher Level
Overcharging for Services
Mismanagement of Government Money
Providing Fraudulent Service
Billing for Services Not Provided
Medicare & Medicaid Fraud
Attorney Karr serves clients in Charleston, WV, and the surrounding area.
Financial Awards for Fraud & Misconduct Whistleblowers
If you have information about these or similar types of fraud or misconduct, you may have a case. The government shares financial awards with whistleblowers who assist with exposing and pursuing justice against these criminals in a court of law. Fraud perpetuated against the government is increasingly common, and results in higher taxes for all taxpayers. With the increased outsourcing of many government services over recent decades, the losses have been staggering. Government contractor and healthcare-related fraud are a significant source of lost revenue for taxpayers. If you are an employee of a company where these types of fraud are occurring or are able to provide information to assist the government in successfully prosecuting these types of criminals, you may be a whistleblower. Schedule an appointment with Attorney David Karr, Jr. to discuss your case by calling (304) 345-3202.
File Your Whistleblower Lawsuit Confidentially in Charleston, WV

ONLY the First Person to File a Claim is Eligible for Compensation
If you plan to file a qui tam (whistleblower) lawsuit, it is critically important to file in a timely manner. Contact Attorney David R. Karr immediately for an evaluation for your case in Charleston, WV, and the surrounding area. With whistleblower lawsuits, the first person to file a claim involving a particular fraud is the only person whose case will be considered by the Department of Justice and eligible for financial compensation. All lawsuits filed pertaining to the same case after the initial lawsuit has been filed will be disregarded. When a qui tam lawsuit is filed, the lawsuit is immediately placed “under seal”. The case is confidential and information is not available to the public or the media.
Your Responsibilities as a Whistleblower
As a whistleblower, you may not discuss your case with anyone except your attorney. In addition, the information that you provide is classified as privileged and confidential (not subject to disclosure by civil discovery, under the Freedom of Information Act, or by other legal processes), except as necessary to achieve closure of the lawsuit. The United States government investigates all substantiated allegations of fraud.
Following completion of the review of the evidence of the case, the seal will eventually be lifted. When the seal is lifted, the details of the lawsuit will be made public. However, during the government investigation, confidentiality provisions exist that protect you as a whistleblower throughout the time period until the investigation is complete. It is important that you understand the timeframes involved, the potential compensation that you may receive, and the protections that you are afforded by law in order to make the best decision for your case.
The Dodd-Frank Act & Whistleblower Confidentiality
If you have access to information relevant to an allegation of fraud involving matters of concern to the IRS or the SEC, you may be able to maintain confidentiality throughout the entire proceedings of the lawsuit (when represented by counsel). In some cases, your identity may be protected until the time arrives for you to accept your award payment. Attorney David Karr will help you understand how the laws governing whistleblowing may affect you to help you make the best decision for your specific case.
Attorney David R. Karr, Jr., is committed to offering whistleblowers aggressive legal representation and protection to assist with reporting fraud and violations involving healthcare and government-related misconduct. Contact our office to schedule an appointment to get answers to your questions regarding the timeframes and confidentiality laws applicable to your case at (304) 345-3202.
Whistleblower Financial Recovery & Retaliation Protection
Under provisions of the False Claims Act, whistleblowers are eligible to be awarded a percentage of the financial compensation recovered by the government as a result of successful qui tam (whistleblower) lawsuits. Awards are offered to encourage individuals who possess the inside knowledge necessary to pursue claims against criminals to provide this information to a court of law. When you provide the vital information necessary to reduce or eliminate healthcare and government contractor fraud, you may be entitled to as much as 30% of the financial award that the government recovers. The recovery award provided by the government may be affected by the degree of assistance and testimony offered by the whistleblower.

Know Your Rights as a Whistleblower
As an employee whistleblower, you should know that the laws of the United States offer several important legal rights that protect you against adverse actions on the part of your employer related to your participation in a qui tam lawsuit, including protection from:
Aggressive Legal Protection for Whistleblowers in Charleston, WV
Attorney David R. Karr, Jr., is committed to providing aggressive legal protection for whistleblowers in and around the Charleston, West Virginia area. The well-being of our clients is of the utmost importance. We understand that, as an employee, you may be discouraged from reporting ongoing fraudulent activity based on a fear of losing your job, as well as potential retaliation from the criminals who you report for their crimes. However, you should understand that there are significant financial incentives provided for whistleblowers in the False Claims Act. In addition, the United States government provides protection for employees from being harassed, demoted, fired, having wages withheld, or otherwise retaliated against when a qui tam claim is made.
It takes a lot of courage to stand against your employer. Attorney David Karr offers over 30 years of legal knowledge and experience to provide you with competent counsel regarding your rights and protections as a whistleblower. Contact our office to schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your qui tam lawsuit today at (304) 345-3202.
Call David R. Karr, Jr., of Charleston, WV when you need a whistleblower lawyer.
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